
about macassar

MAKASSAR City also called the city of Anging Mammiri. In the native language it means breezy wind. Makassar is a city with a soft wind blow from the sea every day and evening. Having a warm tropical climate with temperatures between 24 to 35 degrees centigrade.

Makassar occupied 175,7 square kilometers area. Located in the southern part of South Sulawesi. Face the horizon of Makassar Strait. Located at 119 degrees east longitude and 5,8 degrees latitude south.

Makassar has a spectacular sunset scenery. This is one of the most beautiful sunset in the world. If there are no cloud cover, many people enjoy the afternoon at the Losari Beach.

In addition, there are several beaches and beautiful islands which can be visited. Various activities can be fun as diving, swimming, snorkeling, fishing, see the coral reef, or simply rest. Some of the islands provided lodging and restaurants.

Maritime character become the main tourism objects of Makassar. But historical tourism is also interesting. The history of Makassar is a part of archipelago’s history. From the kings age, the war of independence, until after independence.

The city provides various facilities. There are about 140 hotels. Many of of them are five-star hotels. There also restaurant with a rich culinary, some entertainment places such as theaters, pubs and restaurants, karaoke, shopping malls, and traditional markets.

As the largest city in the east part of Indonesia, Makassar is a gateway to other popular tourism objects. There are several objects in Sulawesi can be reached from Makassar through land and air.

Makassar was 401 years old. Historians agreed, November, 9 1607 is the day of birth of Makassar City. From 1971 until 1999, the town changed its name to Ujungpandang. But surely Makassar is well known among communities of archipelago even the world. In consideration that since 2000, the Indonesian government restore the name become the official name of this city.

Indeed, Makassar is not just a name of the city. Makassar is also a cultural identity. Makassar tribe is one of many indigenous tribes in the South Sulawesi, living in the former Kingdom of Gowa.

There is also a tribe of Bugis. Occupy most of the northern part of South Sulawesi. Buginese tribe is the largest population in the South Sulawesi. Toraja is also a cultural identity which occupy large areas in the Latomojong mountain range in northern. While Mandar is native tribes inhabit West Sulawesi.

The entire cultural identity is now mushrooming in Makassar. Mixed with the tribes from other regions in Indonesia, such as Minahasa, Java, Bali, Malay, Ambon, and Chinese. Creating a colorful cultural diversity.

Throughout the year, many events have always be held in Makassar. From modern art festival, such as jazz and popular music, theater, up to a local cultural festival that show attractive arts.

Makassar is the major port city in eastern Indonesia. Goods and passengers connecting to other major cities in Indonesia and the world. In the holiday seasons, the foreign tourists came with the cruise ships.

In the norther part of city, there was a traditional port of Paotere. This is a historical witness the triumph of the archipelago. Makassar is one of the most important city in the world in spice trade network. Paotere is the place if you want to see the Phinisi (Makassarese traditional boat).

Now, Makassar can be reached in a few hours by plane. Makassar has a large airport named Sultan Hasanuddin. The airport has 80 flights every day. There are cheap flights (low cost carrier) and full service flight (full service carrier).

Highway swept across the city. Connecting the airport, ports, and the city center, hotel, and shopping centers. Traveling in Makassar also comfortable with the good roads and quite wide.

Makassar transportation system connected every corner of the city. There are inner-city transportation such as minibus, taxi, or pedicab (tricycle). There are also rent car for those who want to tour the city. Began in 2009, the government is planning to operate the first corridor bus rapid transit, or better known as busway.

Therefore, came to Makassar. See, proof, enjoy, and mention that all the different indeed. Makassar’s tagline “Great Expectation” is a statement of the entire people that the city is nice and comfortable to be visited.(*)

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